赖纳·费尔德巴赫(Rainer Feldbacher)
奥地利维也纳大学东方考古学和闪族文献学博士,bat365官网登录入口国际高层次人才特聘副教授。掌握和学习的语言包括德语、英语、西班牙语、拉丁语、希腊语、中埃及语、阿卡德语,以及更多现代和古代方言。他的研究领域包括考古学、古代史和东方学,特别关注青铜和铁器时代地中海东部和近东地区的互动和交流。作为联合国教科文组织赞助的奥地利科学基金奥地利科学院特别研究计划(SFB)“公元前2000年的东地中海同步性”(SCIEM 2000)的贡献者,费尔德巴赫博士在扩展其时间和空间研究之前,主要专注古代近东研究。近年来,他被委托进行丝绸之路沿线的民族学、历史和经济研究。
已发表学术论文、书评和其他文章近90篇。主编《古代的边缘群体》(与Josef Fischer合编)(Marginalized Groups in Antiquity. Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums 44. Hamburg: Dr. Kovač 2021),《互连的世界—古代的区域间接触》(Connected Worlds – Interregional Contacts in Antiquity. Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums 47. Hamburg: Dr. Kovač 2024)。此外出版专著两本:德语版《丝绸之路的路网:连接东方与西方,过去与现在的桥梁》(Netzwerk Seidenstraße. Brücke zwischen Ost und West, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart,WBG Zabern 2022)和西班牙语版《丝绸之路简史》(Breve historia de la Ruta de la Seda,Madrid: Nowtilus 2024),均反映了其丝绸之路研究成果。他关于丝绸之路的研究视域远超其核心地区,关于在中国土地上繁盛起来的高句丽王国的论文《集安周围的古高句丽遗产:过去和当下的解读》(Ancient Koguryŏ's heritage around Ji'an: past and current interpretations)最近发表在《世界考古》(World Archaeology. Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2024.2304321)。
赖纳·费尔德巴赫博士近期被任命为萨尔茨堡大学古代史、古代与迈锡尼学古典研究系系列出版物《狄俄墨德斯》的编辑;在考古方面,他以副主任身份与瑞典考古队合作负责塞浦路斯哈拉苏丹泰克(Hala Sultan Tekke)青铜时代遗址的挖掘工作,与该遗址相关的同行评审论文(Opuscula, Oxford Journal Archaeology, Egypt & Levant)预计于2024年发表。
Rainer Feldbacher
Doctor of Oriental Archaeology and Semitic Philology, University of Vienna, Austria, and Distinguished Associate Professor of International high-level talents, Capital Normal University. Among the languages, he speaks and studied, are German, English, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Middle Egyptian, Akkadian, and further modern and ancient idioms. His research interests include archaeology, ancient history, and Orientalism, with a particular focus on interaction and communication in the eastern Mediterranean and Near East during the Bronze and Iron Ages. As a contributor of SCIEM 2000 (Synchronization of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BC), a Special Research Programme (SFB) of the Austrian Academy at the Austrian Science Fund and under Patronage of the UNESCO, Feldbacher concentrated generally on the Ancient Near East for several years before expanding his research in time and space. In recent years he has been entrusted with ethnological, historical, and economical research along the Silk Road. He has published nearly 90 academic papers, book reviews and other articles. Regarding books, recently were (as co-editor) been released: Josef Fischer / Rainer Feldbacher (eds.), Marginalized Groups in Antiquity. Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums 44. Hamburg: Dr.Kovač 2021. ISBN 978-3-339-12578-1 (Print) | ISBN 978-3-339-12579-8 (eBook). 274 pages & Rainer Feldbacher / Josef Fischer (eds.), Connected Worlds – Interregional Contacts in Antiquity. Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums 47. Hamburg: Dr.Kovač 2024. ISBN 978-3-339-13882-8 (Print) | ISBN 978-3-339-13883-5 (eBook). 382 pages. Moreover, two monographs as author are reflecting his research on the silk road: Netzwerk Seidenstraße. Brücke zwischen Ost und West, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart [German publ., “Silk Road Network. Bridge between East and West, past and present”]. WBG Zabern 2022. ISBN-10: 380535360X; ISBN-13: 978-3805353601. 112 pages & Breve historia de la Ruta de la Seda [Spanish publ., “Short History of the Silk Road”]. Madrid: Nowtilus 2024. ISBN-10: 8413053927; ISBN-13: 978-8413053929. 396 pages. His interest, especially regarding the Silk Road, goes far beyond its core area; recently, World Archaeology published an article on the Koguryo Empire, which flourished mainly on Chinese soil: Ancient Koguryŏ's heritage around Ji'an: past and current interpretations, World Archaeology. Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2024.2304321
Recently Rainer Feldbacher was appointed as editor for “Diomedes. Series of publications by the Department of Classical Studies. Ancient history, Antiquity and Mycenology at the University of Salzburg”; in archaeological matters he is cooperating as Vice director of the Swedish excavations at the Bronze Age site of Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus, where several peer review papers are about to expect in 2024 (Opuscula, Oxford Journal Archaeology, Egypt & Levant).